
Renault-Nissan Alliance Team

Powertrain collaboration, a key source of Alliance synergy

Powertrain collaboration, a key source of Alliance synergy

Since the formation of the Alliance in 1999, Renault and Nissan have been collaborating on engines and gearboxes. Today powertrains are a major source of synergies for the group, accounting for about 670 million euros in savings in 2012. Even more synergies are expected from this field in the future as Renault and Nissan work together on the development of next-generation small petrol and diesel engines, among other projects.

See our video for more.
Renault-Nissan Alliance Team

French retailer E. Leclerc joins zero-emission club

French retailer E. Leclerc joins zero-emission club

E. Leclerc, one of the biggest retailers in France, has accelerated the move towards a zero emission future by joining forces with Renault to form the Z.E. Club des 50.

The Club, which strengthens local links between E. Leclerc hypermarkets and nearby Renault dealers, will be established in early 2013. In time it will grow to become the Z.E. Club des 500 as more E. Leclerc outlets team up with Renault’s 500-strong dealership network across the country.
Renault-Nissan Alliance Team

French Minister takes delivery of first ZOE

French Minister takes delivery of first ZOE

The very first Renault ZOE has been delivered to its new keeper. And fittingly the keys have been handed over to Arnaud Montebourg, France’s Industry Minister, who placed his order at the Paris Motor Show in September.

It’s fitting because ZOE – Renault’s newest all-electric vehicle – is fully in line with the French Government’s ‘Plan Automobile’ policy to promote zero emission mobility. The plan promises an extensive network of charging stations and to include electric vehicles in public fleets.
Renault-Nissan Alliance Team

Electrifying hot laps

Electrifying hot laps

It has already been called the future of motor racing. The Nissan LEAF Nismo RC – all-electric, zero emission, all the performance.

Owners of the Nissan LEAF, invited to Japan to celebrate the second anniversary of the day the innovative car went on sale, experienced laps in the racing car at the GranDrive test track.

Visit Nissan's blog to read more about the LEAF Nismo RC

Renault-Nissan Alliance Team

Happy Birthday, LEAF !

Happy Birthday, LEAF !

Nissan celebrated the electric vehicle’s second birthday in Japan with a gathering of more than 200 LEAF owners at GranDrive last weekend.

LEAF owner Masahiko Yoshida joined participants at the gathering, which also included EV enthusiasts from the U.S. and Europe.

“It’s going to be the first time I see so many LEAFs driving around the city at the same time,” said Yoshida en route to the event. “It’ll feel a little like a homecoming event, and I’m excited about that.”

Visit Nissan's blog to read more about this event

Renault-Nissan Alliance Team

Factoring in EVs: An Owners' Visit

Factoring in EVs: An Owners' Visit

On the eve of the Nissan LEAF’s second birthday, some owners from overseas visited Japan to see the factories where the batteries and electric vehicles were produced.

Since December 2010, Nissan has delivered more than 18,000 LEAFs to U.S. customers and more than 46,000 worldwide, making it the most successful 100% electric vehicle in history.

Visit Nissan's blog to read these LEAF owners' comments on their visit in Japan

Renault-Nissan Alliance Team

AchiEVable: Nissan LEAF

AchiEVable: Nissan LEAF

The largest gathering of electric vehicle owners in Japanese history was a perfect chance to touch base with one of the men leading the push,  Nissan’s s Corporate Vice President of Zero Emissions Hideaki Watanabe.

The Nissan Global Media Center began asking him the aim in bringing the LEAF owners to Oppama.

Renault-Nissan Alliance Team

Twizy car-sharing service wins over locals

Twizy car-sharing service wins over locals

There is now a way to enjoy the freedom of zero-emission driving without owning an electric vehicle. You can begin and end your journey anywhere in town – and you don't even have to pay for parking.

All this is possible thanks to Twizy Way by Renault, an innovative car-sharing scheme recently inaugurated in the French agglomeration of Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines. The model is proving so successful that there are already plans to extend it to other areas.

Users can sign up for the scheme online or at a new boutique in the Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines train station. Via the internet or a mobile web app, they can then locate and reserve one of the service's 50 Twizy vehicles. Throughout their reservation, parking is free in town, and to return the vehicle, they simply leave it anywhere in the agglomeration, ready for the next user.

Renault-Nissan Alliance Team

Nissan LEAF sets EV parade world record

Nissan LEAF sets EV parade world record

Autumn leaves blew into the famous Silverstone Grand Prix circuit at the end of November. Or rather, that should be autumn LEAFs.

UK owners of the world’s most popular pure electric vehicle got together at the home of the British Grand Prix to set an official Guinness world record for the largest parade of electric vehicles.

When less is more: Nissan cuts rare earth element usage in electric motors by 40 per cent

It’s a hard fact of life that while electric vehicles benefit the environment by producing zero tailpipe emissions, they can have an impact in other areas. Perhaps the most significant is the use of rare earth elements for the batteries and electric motors.

As one aspect of the Nissan Green Program 2016 – the company’s continuing commitment to the environment – is an undertaking to reduce the use of rare earth elements (REE) to minimise the depletion of natural resources.

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