The Alliance


Signed on March 27, 1999, the Renault-Nissan Alliance has built a unique business model that has created significant value for both companies. For 10 years, employees at Renault and Nissan have worked as partners with attitudes of mutual respect and company pride while keeping separate brands and corporate identities.

In 2009, Renault and Nissan took cooperation to a higher level. To maximize the experience gained from 10 years of cross-cultural management and shared experience, the Alliance set up a small team of experts from Nissan and Renault. The role of this dedicated team is to foster deeper, broader cooperation and to maximize the contribution of synergies to the performance of both partners.

This dedicated Alliance team focuses on nine areas identified as priorities: Purchasing, Zero Emission Business, Global Logistics, IS/IT, Powertrain, Commonized Platforms and Parts, Support Functions, Research and Advanced Technologies, Global Sourcing.

In 2009, the Renault-Nissan Alliance reported sales of 6,085,058 units, capturing 9.8% of the global market.
The Renault-Nissan Alliance includes five brands: Nissan and Infiniti for the Nissan group and Renault, Dacia and Samsung for the Renault group.


The Renault-Nissan Alliance is a unique partnership of two global companies united for performance and linked by cross-shareholdings. It is based on two founding principles:

  1. Developing all potential synergies by combining the strengths of both companies through a constructive approach to deliver Win-Win results.
  2. Preserving each company’s autonomy and respecting their own corporate and brand identities.

Alliance Vision: Destination


  • The Alliance contributes to global sustainable development
  • The Alliance generates attractive returns for the shareholders of each company
  • The Alliance attracts and retains the best talents, provides good working conditions and challenging opportunities: it grows people to have a global and entrepreneurial mindset

Management principles

  • The Alliance is based on trust, transparency and mutual respect
  • The Alliance Constitution is associated with the best established standards of corporate governance, ensuring:
    • Clear decision making for speed, accountability and a high level of performance
    • Maximum efficiency by combining the strengths of both companies and developing win-win synergies

3 Objectives

The Alliance develops and implements a strategy of profitable growth and sets itself the following three objectives:

  1. To be recognized by customers as being among the best 3 automotive groups in the quality and value of its products and services in each region and market segment
  2. To be among the best 3 automotive groups in key technologies, each partner being a leader in specific domains of excellence
  3. To consistently generate a total operating profit among the top 3 automotive groups in the world, by maintaining a high operating profit margin and pursuing growth