
Thierry Viadieu

Director of the Alliance Powertrain Planning Office


Thierry Viadieu graduated from the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Ingénieurs Electriciens of Grenoble (France) with a PhD in Material Sciences in 1988. That same year, he joined Renault as a research engineer, casting division followed by engine project manager.

In 1995, Thierry Viadieu became responsible of the Powertrain Product Strategy.

He joined Nissan in 1999 where he was in charge of powertrains at the Production Control Department. He was then appointed General Manager of Corporate Planning of Nissan in 2004.

In 2006, Thierry Viadieu became Corporate Vice-President in charge of ASEAN Four (Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia and Philippines) of Nissan.

Since 2009, Thierry Viadieu is the Director of the Alliance Powertrain Planning Office.