Totally Wired: Connectivity and Community are the Way for the Car of the Future

Finding and talking to people at the TED Global conference is not hard- we even carry on our giant name tags suggested topics for ‘ice-breaking’ conversations. Finding and talking to someone you really want to at a particular time is harder; a lot harder…

Solar Power, Folk Knowledge and The Boundless Synergies of Zero Emission Mobility

A sunny day always brightens me up- and this week in conference at the TED Global 2011 event in Edinburgh the Scottish weather has been kind enough that I have managed a sunny 20 minute walk to the venue twice in a row! This sunny start gives a kind of power- an optimism that helps kick start the day in the right way.

Solar power applied in a different way helps run a remarkable college in India where the incredible ingenuity of folk knowledge is collected and nurtured- The Barefoot College, indeed the only college in the world powered solely by solar power.

What is ‘The Stuff of Life’? Alliance blogger catches his breath midway through TED Global 2011

Inside the auditorium of the Edinburgh International Conference Centre, delegates to TED Global 2011 grapple with concepts such as ‘Emerging Order’, ‘Living Systems’ and ‘Everyday Rebellions’. Philosophers, historians, chemists and performers recruited from the interlinked fields of Technology, Entertainment and Design (TED) then brainstorm these key phrases gracefully into conversations and challenges- these will then continue to resonate within the relationships that we are all building within the TED universe.

Coffee and Environmental Motoring- Thoughts from a Master Barista

Preparations for the Alliance participation in TEDGlobal 2011 conference in Edinburgh, UK are now complete and the critical things are all in place- the booth is set up (and our first visitors most impressed), Alliance video is looping on the screen, Nissan LEAF and Renault Twizy looking their best under the lights, and the most important element for a week long conference is assured: a reliable source of good strong coffee!

Renault-Nissan Alliance Team

The Renault-Nissan Alliance Hails ‘The Stuff of Life’

The Renault-Nissan Alliance Hails ‘The Stuff of Life’

In preparation for the 2011 TEDGlobal conference- as conference sponsors- Alliance activities gather pace this weekend. We have come to Edinburgh to join what is one of the most prestigious conferences for thought-leaders and creative thinking.

Hideaki Watanabe
Managing Director, Zero Emission Vehicles, Renault-Nissan BV

The charge towards an electric future has begun

The charge towards an electric future has begun

Winning an award is always good news for a vehicle manufacturer. So does that mean that winning two important awards in the same year for the same car is twice as good? No, this year I think it's much more significant than that.

As we all know, the Nissan LEAF was voted European Car of the Year 2011 at the end of last year and this was followed, at the recent New York Motor Show, by the car being pronounced World Car of the Year.

Renault-Nissan Alliance Team

Carlos Ghosn, Clean Cars and California

Carlos Ghosn, Clean Cars and California

Why did the Renault-Nissan Alliance invest more than $5 billion to create the first affordable and mass-produced zero-emission vehicles on the planet? What does it take to transform one the world’s largest car companies into a model of sustainability and innovation? How do you get breakthrough technology from a company known for "incremental improvements"?

The Renault-Nissan Alliance opens Silicon Valley research office

The automotive group’s Mountain View facility will focus on vehicle IT, advanced engineering research, and technology recruitment.

MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. – The Renault-Nissan Alliance will open a research office later this month in the heart of Silicon Valley.

Directly across from the Google campus and minutes from leading hardware and software companies, the offices in Mountain View will allow one of the world’s largest automotive groups to capitalize on the region’s world-class engineering talent and stay ahead of trends that are reshaping the way people interact with their cars.

The office will build staff organically to focus on specific projects and business developments as they emerge. Small, highly efficient teams will initially work on vehicle IT development, advanced engineering research and technology recruitment.

Renault-Nissan Alliance Team

19 miles with Carlos Ghosn

19 miles with Carlos Ghosn

What questions would you ask Carlos Ghosn if you were alone with him in a car for 19 miles?

When British comedian, actor and TV presenter Robert Llewellyn (star of the Red Dwarf TV series) asked his Twitter followers – all 60,000 of them – he received more than 1,000 suggestions.

Renault-Nissan Alliance Team

The Renault-Nissan Alliance electrifies Challenge Bibendum

The Renault-Nissan Alliance electrifies Challenge Bibendum

100% electric Nissan LEAF and Renault Fluence Z.E. pick up awards.

ROLLE (May 27, 2011) - The Renault-Nissan Alliance’s 100% electric vehicles have emerged in triumph after a tough series of tests and evaluations in the annual Challenge Bibendum rally (18-22 May) in Berlin, demonstrating the efficiency of the Alliance’s zero-emission technology.

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