
Dominique Thormann

Executive Vice President, Finance Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of RCI Banque


Born on August 2, 1954, Dominique Thormann is a graduate of Johns Hopkins University (USA) where he obtained a BA in International Relations in 1975. He is also a graduate of JHU School of Advanced International Studies in Washington D.C. and he obtained a diploma in international relations in Bologna, Italy in 1977. He started his career as a credit analyst with Chase Manhattan Bank in New York in 1979, going on to hold several international positions in Rome, Milan (Italy) and Paris.

He joined Renault Credit International in 1989 as International Treasurer before taking charge of Investor Relations for Renault in 1994. In 1999 he joined Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. in Tokyo (Japan) as Deputy General Manager, Investor Relations and Financial Strategy. He went on to become Vice President, Global Communications and Investor Relations, and then in 2004 took up the Paris-based position of Senior Vice President in charge of Administration and Finance for Nissan Europe.

On July 1, 2006 he joined Nissan North America as Senior Vice President in charge of Administration and Finance. On October 5, 2009 he was appointed Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of RCI Banque and became on July 1st 2010, Executive Vice President, Finance.